Passionate about singing and all that singing involves, I try to live my life with art as my starting point and trace a path on it with my own voice.

I could not live without Bach, Mozart or Schubert, but all music inspires me.

Much of my musical career has been rooted in Early Music and in the “Lied”, inspired by my devotion to literature.

I very much enjoy the theatrical aspect of singing and all artistic performances where I can contribute my grain of sand.

I consider myself a versatile singer, with an enthusiasm for the vocation of teaching.

Early music
Early music

“M’exalta el nou i m’enamora el vell!” (J. V. Foix)

The historicist perspective and working with historical instruments and approaches help us to develop a deeper understanding of each work (historical context, technical peculiarities, style...).

I studied Singing in the Department of Early Music ESMUC and I have always felt linked to this fascinating world that goes from medieval music to romanticism.

Music and theatre
Music and theatre

“Meaning is now” (Peter Brook)

I feel deeply that the art of musical performance is closely linked to the world of theatrical performance. I was trained in Theatre and I sing Opera, Musical Theatre and performances linking music with theatre.


“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery” (Mark van Doren)

I’m interested in helping each student to discover their vocal potential and I have been working on this for some years, most recently in the Conservatori “Isaac Albéniz”, in the Diputació de Girona.